Merit Line Oy
Merit Line on tarjonnut laadukkaita palveluja pk-yrityksille vuodesta 2008 alkaen. Tavoitteena on aina etsiä yksilöllisesti kullekin yrittäjälle sopivimmat ratkaisut. Esimerkiksi oikein suunnitellulla yhtiörakenteella asiakkaamme ovat säästäneet jopa kymmeniä prosentteja verotuksessa.
Minulle on kertynyt laaja-alaista taloushallinnon ja verotuksen kokemusta mm. verotarkastajana, tilitoimistoyrittäjänä, KHT-yhteisön osakkaana ja pörssiyhtiön tilintarkastajana.
Nykyään olen keskittynyt lähinnä yrityksien ja niiden omistajien verotuksen optimoimiseen.
Yrityksen ja sen omistajan verotuksen optimointi yrityksen koko elinkaaren aikana
Over the course of our company’s history we’ve accumulated a portfolio that speaks volumes on the level of our expertise. Many worldwide brands with a 9-10 digits capitalization have been using our consulting advice since our founding day back in 1992…
Awards won
With more than 20 years of experience behind, today our Houston-based law firm is the #1, both when talking about the number of yearly cases dealt with and the percentage of all those cases being won.
But that kind of success does not come by, just when you sit idly or do not have strict work ethic principles being put into practice… We’ve always cherished the three pillars which our company has always stood upon.
Watch this video, where dozens of our former clients tell, how desperate they were to win their respective case and how slim their chances seemed… before hiring us as their lawyers!
That’s right, our law firm has the highest wins ratio percentage among all other Houston, Texas legal practices. With us, there’s just no other way but to win!
Over the years of our law firm’s, we’ve achieved an astonishing rate of 98% of positive verdicts rate, which beats any of our local competitor’s margins by double digits… Even if we’ve tried to, it would have been an awfully long of a page to list all of the 98 hundred cases we won, helped to dismiss, drop or settle in those 27 years.
Awards won
Our strong conviction is that if a business is to be optimized, it’s to be optimized in a full cycle manner!
Our expertise spans from business and investment consulting and well into HR/recruiting and M&A fields…
The insurance marketplace has a lot of restrictions and limitations, which the insurance companies oftentimes try to use as the loopholes for getting away with not paying you.
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What business owners say about our theme… In the last 20 years we’ve protected the interests of many corporate clients
Tarvitsetko apua verotukseen tai sopimusasioihin liittyvissä asioissa. Laita viestiä, palaan asiaan pikimmiten. Kiitos!
040 5455 494